While I was preparing diner for Gavin's father and stepmother on Boxing Day, I saw Flannel trot out of the bedroom with great purpose. It looked like he had a hairball in his mouth, then I made the connection. As he trotted past Gavin into the kitchen, I warned that Flannel had caught a mouse and that we shouldn't make any noise for fear that Flannel would drop the mouse and it would run to a place where we couldn't retrieve it before his parents arrived.
Flannel spit the mouse out under the wine rack, and the mouse proceeded to run to the food dish in the corner. How apt. Pepper joined in watching what the mouse would do next, but was really too nervous to interfere. Flannel took the mouse back into the bedroom where we managed to trap the mouse in some tupperware. Gavin took him outside and threw it into the woods by the train tracks. Poor mousie looked like he'd been trundled around in a cat's mouth for a while. I hope he got his bearings and found shelter.
Anyway, Flannel is now king of the condo, strutting around and turning his nose up at kibble. Once you've tasted mouse, you can't go back. I told my dad that Flannel was now a member of the He-Man Woman-Hater's Club and he cracked up. Flannel "Mouse Lips" Duggins rules the roost. It's a funny story, but we didn't share it at dinner.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
12 of 12 December 07

5:42 AM- I get up much later than I'd planned. Pepper waits for me to go into the kitchen while Flannel stares at Gavin as he goes to take a shower.

5:59 AM- I read a cookbook while eating breakfast. I'm hosting two dinner parties within a few days of each other and I want to make sure that the menus are good, but easy for me to fix so that I'm not too cranky to enjoy my guests when they arrive.

6:20 AM- Faithful readers will remember that my office holiday dinner dance fell on the 12th last year as well. I'm taking my dress of the closet door in preparation for heading to work.

6:28 AM- During the cold weather months, I'm usually driving by the time the sun rises. Since I'm late today, I get a Maxfield Parrish style treat.

8:46 AM- My second hit of caffeine for the day. I think our coffee maker looks like a Silon. But I'm the only one in the office who does. Probably because I'm the only one who knows what a Silon is.

11:41 AM- My colleague and friend arrives at the office. She works in Connecticut and we were told that the only way she could come to the dinner dance and expense it was to have a business meeting. We pulled together a meeting in about half a day. We are just that good.

12:51 PM- We're carving out a niche in the new office real estate hierarchy. My friend helps me move chairs from empty offices into the conference room so that our cobbled together meeting attendees have a place to sit.

1:42 PM- Everything is set for the meeting; agendas at each place and supporting documents in the order in which they'll be discussed.

6:55 PM- This is the first dinner dance I've been too where the girls from my department are in attendance. We all got to sit with our boss, really close to the stage... Only three tables away from the company president! It is pathetic that I measure my value to the organization by where I'm seated at this dinner, but it really is like analyzing photographs of the Soviet May Day parade to see who's in favor and who's not. Three tables away from the prez = high visibility.

8:51 PM- My dessert this year is a little better than last; fresh fruit in whipped cream. I did not eat the chocolate cup. I'm sure it tasted like wax.

9:30 PM- The door prize winning criteria this year was to be the youngest person at the table. You can see from her youthful grin why my colleague won.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:
2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.
3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.
4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.
5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.
6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."
7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)
(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)
ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Interviewed by the Masters: Lipton and Proust ask me 20 questions. Or Ten, In Mr. Lipton's Case
James Lipton’s Questionnaire
What is your favorite word? abundant
What is your least favorite word? no
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? American pop culture
What turns you off? required emotional involvement
What is your favorite curse word? so pedestrian, yet so useful: fuck
What sound or noise do you love? Gavin laughing
What sound or noise do you hate? rusty hinges
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Litigator (prosecution vs. defense)
What profession would you not like to do? Kindergarten teacher.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? We didn't think you would make it.
Marcel Proust’s Questionnaire
At age 20:
What is your most marked characteristic? Intelligence
What quality do you most like in a man? a sense of humor
What quality do you most like in a woman? a sense of humor
What do you value most in your friends? genuine respect and caring
What is your principal defect? intelligence
What is your favorite occupation? problem solver
What is your dream of happiness? financial independence
What to your mind would be the greatest misfortune? to subvert my true self to indulge another's view
What would you like to be? truly loved
In what country would you like to live? USA, baby! These colors don't RUN!
What is your favorite color? green
What is your favorite flower? tulip
What is your favorite bird? robin
Who are your favorite prose writers? Robert B. Parker, Walter Mosely
Who are your favoite poets? Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash
Who are your favorite fictional heroes? Howard Roark
Who are your favorite fictional heroines? Dagny Taggart
Who are your favorite composers? Cole Porter, James Brown, Johnny Mercer
Who are your favorite painters? Georgia O'Keefe, Mucha, Alberto Vargas
Who are your heroes in real life? My mother, Fred V.
Who are your favorite heroines of history? Elizabeth I
What are your favorite names? Linus, Lilly
What do you most dislike? feigning emotional connection and involvement
What historical figures do you most despise? Adolf Hitler, James Earl Ray
What event in military history do you most admire? Battle of Thermopylae
What reform do you most admire? Brown v. Board of Education
What natural gift would you most like to possess? compassion
How would you like to die? in my sleep
What is your present state of mind? half introspective, half elation
To what faults do you feel most indulgent? The ones that keep me socially disconnected
What is your motto? Do not push, do not block
What is your favorite word? abundant
What is your least favorite word? no
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? American pop culture
What turns you off? required emotional involvement
What is your favorite curse word? so pedestrian, yet so useful: fuck
What sound or noise do you love? Gavin laughing
What sound or noise do you hate? rusty hinges
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Litigator (prosecution vs. defense)
What profession would you not like to do? Kindergarten teacher.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? We didn't think you would make it.
Marcel Proust’s Questionnaire
At age 20:
What is your most marked characteristic? Intelligence
What quality do you most like in a man? a sense of humor
What quality do you most like in a woman? a sense of humor
What do you value most in your friends? genuine respect and caring
What is your principal defect? intelligence
What is your favorite occupation? problem solver
What is your dream of happiness? financial independence
What to your mind would be the greatest misfortune? to subvert my true self to indulge another's view
What would you like to be? truly loved
In what country would you like to live? USA, baby! These colors don't RUN!
What is your favorite color? green
What is your favorite flower? tulip
What is your favorite bird? robin
Who are your favorite prose writers? Robert B. Parker, Walter Mosely
Who are your favoite poets? Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash
Who are your favorite fictional heroes? Howard Roark
Who are your favorite fictional heroines? Dagny Taggart
Who are your favorite composers? Cole Porter, James Brown, Johnny Mercer
Who are your favorite painters? Georgia O'Keefe, Mucha, Alberto Vargas
Who are your heroes in real life? My mother, Fred V.
Who are your favorite heroines of history? Elizabeth I
What are your favorite names? Linus, Lilly
What do you most dislike? feigning emotional connection and involvement
What historical figures do you most despise? Adolf Hitler, James Earl Ray
What event in military history do you most admire? Battle of Thermopylae
What reform do you most admire? Brown v. Board of Education
What natural gift would you most like to possess? compassion
How would you like to die? in my sleep
What is your present state of mind? half introspective, half elation
To what faults do you feel most indulgent? The ones that keep me socially disconnected
What is your motto? Do not push, do not block
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sweating in Orlando
I'm in Orlando for work, and took a step Jazzercise class this morning. I realized that my step teacher in VA is a kick-butt and take-names kind of gal! If I had kept the pace that the Orlando teacher set, I would have barely broken a sweat... And half the class left before the strength training! I have a new found respect for even the slowest ladies in my classes back home; they ROCK!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What Died In Here? When Thanksgiving Goes Really Wrong.

Last year about this time, I blogged about how much emotional resonance this holiday has for me. My family cares about food, how it's prepared, how it looks and how it tastes. Based on my experience away from the family table, we are in the minority.
I really hate spending holidays with strangers, eating their traditions, many of which come from a jar or a can. Smiling through dry turkey, or turkey that smells and tastes like a wet dog, cold mashed potato glue, gross undercooked stuffing that they spoon right out of the bird's butt teeming with more salmonella than you could get from licking a turtle. You have to smile and eat it all. Nothing seasoned, everything bland...Calgon, take me away!
I am thankful that last year I ate with friends who were excellent cooks and this year, I'm eating with my dad and his wife. A family meal at last! I really hope that next year I will get to play the newlywed card and have T-day at my house. No bird butt stuffing at table, I can tell you that!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I've Tried To Like Dick, But I Just Don't
Last night as I was watching "I, Robot" for the umpteenth time, I was struck by how much I like movies based on novels or stories by Philip K. Dick, and how intensely I dislike his writing. This particular story was originated by Isaac Asimov, but it always makes me think of PKD. I was also thinking this while watching the latest director's cut of "Blade Runner" at the Uptown Theatre last week. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" was the most ho-hum story I've read in a long time. Who cares about hallucinatory horned toads? Good grief. Then you call the repairman on your husband because his completely manufactured religious experience is on the fritz? This is one instance in which the movie was better than the book.
Back to I, Robot... Now those who know me will know that I am endlessly fascinated by what defines humanity, and how we can mirror or pantomime that to put others at ease when it doesn't come naturally. (A primer for my un-sympathetic and un-compassionate self.)So the robot Sonny's struggle to be accepted by Spoon as a unique individual and eventually a friend is interesting to watch. I didn't read the story it's based on. I won't pretend to have an opinion on it aside from one informed by experience. I don't like Dick.
Back to I, Robot... Now those who know me will know that I am endlessly fascinated by what defines humanity, and how we can mirror or pantomime that to put others at ease when it doesn't come naturally. (A primer for my un-sympathetic and un-compassionate self.)So the robot Sonny's struggle to be accepted by Spoon as a unique individual and eventually a friend is interesting to watch. I didn't read the story it's based on. I won't pretend to have an opinion on it aside from one informed by experience. I don't like Dick.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
12 of 12 November 07
I'm taking this opportunity to welcome myself back to 12 of 12. I really like doing this project, so it will be a monthly priority from now on. You all are witnesses! On with the show...

4:40 AM - Since I have the day off, I'm going to start it right by going to a 6 AM exercise class. It looks as if neither of us are ready for it to be wake up time.

7:05 AM- Now that exercise is out of the way, I can have a productive day of computer network building and household chores. I wish I had a day off more often. SO FUN! P.S. There are a lot of old ladies with zero energy level in the early morning classes. I feel bad for the instructor, it must be like leading the Bataan Death March each morning.

9:30 AM- The secret lives of my cats are revealed to me... Pepper sleeps while shedding and Flannel practices guerrilla tactics by camouflaging himself among my bed pillows.

1:40 PM- This is the view from Mrs. Miller's ER room. She had a bad spell at the physical therapist's, detailed in Gavin's 12 of 12, and was in the hospital for a few hours in the afternoon. I liked her ER doc, Dr. G., he explained stuff really well. Something interesting that I noticed: all the health care people talked to me and Mrs. Miller, like Gavin wasn't even there. Do they assume that my estrogen naturally makes me the caregiver? Someone should do a sociological study on that.

7:05 PM- I take a last minute look at the thread that describes a get together happening tomorrow. A friend of mine has ordered a bunch of food from Home Bistro and we're gathering to taste test to see if it is better than homemade.

7:40 PM- I stop for gas in Annapolis on my way to an appointment. $3.05 for gas, people! It was MORE expensive down the street. This is a bad, sad day for America.

10:30 PM- I finally get the wireless network router that I bought around 10 AM to work. I've been assing around with this thing off and on all day. DANG! Now Gavin and I can both use our computers in the house. Hooray!

11:03 PM- I put away the spicy soba noodles with shitake mushrooms and napa cabbage that I fixed for dinner. It was really good, and I'll eat it for lunch tomorrow. I will have to remember to buy snacks when Gavin moves in. As you can see, I keep a thin selection of ready to eat stuff.

11:15 PM- This is Pepper's impression of Zuzu from It's A Wonderful Life, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings". Except substitute "Rachel goes in to the kitchen" for bell ringing and "Pepper gets food in his dish" for the wings. Depending on your viewpoint, they're both wrong, but Pepper is the wrongest one of all.

11:30 PM- I set my alarm for the next day. It looks really early. Sigh.

11:35 PM- I stare at this corner of the room a lot, since it's in my direct sight line from bed. I think about how it will look different with Gavin's dresser there.

11:45 PM- Finally winding down for the night with a copy of Walter Mosley's Cinnamon Kiss. I only read a few pages before falling asleep.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:
2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.
3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.
4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.
5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.
6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."
7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)
(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)
ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.

4:40 AM - Since I have the day off, I'm going to start it right by going to a 6 AM exercise class. It looks as if neither of us are ready for it to be wake up time.

7:05 AM- Now that exercise is out of the way, I can have a productive day of computer network building and household chores. I wish I had a day off more often. SO FUN! P.S. There are a lot of old ladies with zero energy level in the early morning classes. I feel bad for the instructor, it must be like leading the Bataan Death March each morning.

9:30 AM- The secret lives of my cats are revealed to me... Pepper sleeps while shedding and Flannel practices guerrilla tactics by camouflaging himself among my bed pillows.

1:40 PM- This is the view from Mrs. Miller's ER room. She had a bad spell at the physical therapist's, detailed in Gavin's 12 of 12, and was in the hospital for a few hours in the afternoon. I liked her ER doc, Dr. G., he explained stuff really well. Something interesting that I noticed: all the health care people talked to me and Mrs. Miller, like Gavin wasn't even there. Do they assume that my estrogen naturally makes me the caregiver? Someone should do a sociological study on that.

7:05 PM- I take a last minute look at the thread that describes a get together happening tomorrow. A friend of mine has ordered a bunch of food from Home Bistro and we're gathering to taste test to see if it is better than homemade.

7:40 PM- I stop for gas in Annapolis on my way to an appointment. $3.05 for gas, people! It was MORE expensive down the street. This is a bad, sad day for America.

10:30 PM- I finally get the wireless network router that I bought around 10 AM to work. I've been assing around with this thing off and on all day. DANG! Now Gavin and I can both use our computers in the house. Hooray!

11:03 PM- I put away the spicy soba noodles with shitake mushrooms and napa cabbage that I fixed for dinner. It was really good, and I'll eat it for lunch tomorrow. I will have to remember to buy snacks when Gavin moves in. As you can see, I keep a thin selection of ready to eat stuff.

11:15 PM- This is Pepper's impression of Zuzu from It's A Wonderful Life, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings". Except substitute "Rachel goes in to the kitchen" for bell ringing and "Pepper gets food in his dish" for the wings. Depending on your viewpoint, they're both wrong, but Pepper is the wrongest one of all.

11:30 PM- I set my alarm for the next day. It looks really early. Sigh.

11:35 PM- I stare at this corner of the room a lot, since it's in my direct sight line from bed. I think about how it will look different with Gavin's dresser there.

11:45 PM- Finally winding down for the night with a copy of Walter Mosley's Cinnamon Kiss. I only read a few pages before falling asleep.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:
2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.
3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.
4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.
5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.
6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."
7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)
(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)
ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Only Hee Haw Can Save Me Now
I don't talk much on here about my job, mostly because I really like the work I do and the challenges and responsibility I have. I've gotten more opportunities to impact the business in very visible ways than at any other company I've worked for. There's a worm in the apple, though. Being responsive to whimsical demands is fine, as long as I get my props. All year long. Not just at bonus time. If you are a boss and read this blog; say thank you to the people who work for you. IN PUBLIC. A LOT. Take them to lunch once in a while. Do not give them a corner office with a balcony then say that they can't have that office after all because what if someone more important joins the department.
So, I feel like I've achieved everything they'll let me achieve and I'm thinking that I might want something new. Scary. I've had other opportunities in the past and the biggest thing for me is that I want to work my work around the life changes I'm facing in the next five years; marriage and my first child. That's always in the back of my head when I'm listening to someone talk about a position they think might be coming up.
Recently, I've had some pretty sweet talking from a place that I would definitely consider. Some of the right things have been mentioned so far; working from home, same level of responsibility I have now, products and people I really like. I sent my resume and a description of what I currently do. I was supposed to meet the hiring manager today at a panel discussion I was participating in. He didn't show and my contact acted really squirrely. Really wouldn't talk to me. Now my Inner Conspiracy Brother is whispering in my ear that my experience wasn't strong enough, working retail for two years mid-career is résumé POISON. Is it because I wore a cool, funky outfit instead of a suit? Well, that's what you'd get if I worked for you. If suit wearing is required, look somewhere else. Dresses, yes. Skirts, yes. Boring Corporate Cookie Cutter pants suits. NO. So what if I'm not what they're looking for. I still like the company, and they really should get the person that would be best. I can imagine, too, that they may be afraid that hiring me would queer the relationship with my parent co
mpany. Maybe so, maybe not. WHATEVER. Do I need a reality check? I think so. What do you think?

That board from the Hee Haw fence needs to come out and whack me in the butt so I can snap out of it. Here's a picture of Sonny James about to get one in the keister.
Monday, October 15, 2007
People Are Great, Except That They Suck.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ahoy, Bitches!

If between now and tomorrow, you want to memorize some handy words to get in the spirit, practice here.
We're also going to the Maryland Renaissance Festival on Saturday for Pirate's Weekend. We'll be joining our friends who started their romance aboard a Pirates Royale cruise in Annapolis and ended it at the altar. Ha, ha. Just kidding. I'm almost 99% sure romance survives marriage.
Non-pirate-but-RenFest-related request: Please produce historical evidence that some element of the population during the Renaissance wore leather chaps with a horse's tail attached to their naked ass and chain mail bras when going to market. Anyone? Because that is the hot-ticket
outfit I get to see whenever I go to the festival. I guess I can take it as long as no portly Storm Troopers show up. When did the Empire build a time machine, and why go FORWARD in time when you could go BACK and take over from the beginning IN YOUR OWN GALAXY?

Thursday, September 13, 2007
12 of 12 September 2007

5:36 AM - Pepper says that he's holding his breath until I put food in his dish. He knows the food container is right over his shoulder in the pantry. It galls him every day that he cannot open it himself.

6:45 AM- My morning drive takes me through a condo community built in the late 1940's that GMiller and I fantasized about living in for years until we actually saw how dinky they were in side. Old timey folks had less personal space requirements than folks in modern times, I guess.

6:53 AM - I'm driving too fast to get a good picture of this speed trap on Rock Creek Parkway. Eat my dust, suckers!

7:19 AM- The last thing I do before going in to the office is take the butterfly clip off my bangs. Because I don't use a hair dryer, the clip is the only thing keeping my hair from becoming a flat mess.

11:31 AM- My chicken and spaghetti lunch. I have to remember to reheat the chicken and spaghetti separately. If I cook them together the chicken is still cold in the middle. Yuck!

3:30 PM- This is my desk drawer secret, and probably why I can't loose the 5 lbs. I gained in New Orleans. I think we can all agree that it is a shame to waste perfectly good caramels, so it is my duty as an efficient consumer to eat them. I'm saving the planet, people!

4:20 PM- In preparation for our office move, we've got to empty all our furniture of trash. This credenza was full of it! This is where I put stuff that I was told to save for other people and then never asked for again. Now I can say that it didn't survive the move and it will be TRUE.

4:57 PM- My trash can overfloweth. Our cleaning people must love us... we all have mountains of trash every night as we clean out our offices. Perhaps I'm not the planet champion that I pretended to be to legitimize overeating. Hoist by my own petard! I'm still eating those caramels, though.

5:03 PM- Leaving for the day and on my way to a happy hour party at a friend's PR agency. Their offices are down the street from my house, so even if I wanted to make and excuse and not go, I would not be able to. I like these folks, so seeing them is always a pleasure.

5:28 PM- This is the tunnel that marks the beginning of no cell reception on my daily commute. I don't know whether it's my service or the trees have a hate-on for me, but no calls come in or out. Better to concentrate on driving...

7:10 PM- At the agency, I see a car that looks a lot like mine, and nothing like the agency owner's in her spot. WTF? I just parked in a garage down the street and hoofed it up to the party. IN HEELS. There better be margaritas in there.

9:47 PM- There were margaritas and plenty of good eats. I especially liked the chicken empanadas. Mostly because there was cheese in them. I took this picture as I was saying my goodbyes. They guests helped with leftovers by not leaving any. :)

BONUS PICTURE- This peach pie I made was UNEXPECTEDly good. I used a tape measure to get the lattice pieces the right width, and summoned all my paper weaving skills from the first grade to figure out the lattice pattern. Now I am scornful of the half-assed lattice on Whole Foods pies where they don't bother to weave and merely stack the dough strips.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:1) ALL PHOTOS MUST BE TAKEN ON THE 12TH OF EACH MONTH.2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog
All-star athlete and recent media magnet Michael Vick is getting a lot of "boo-hoo" coverage in the press. He has to go to jail! He could loose his career! What a gifted player! It's a tragedy!
What no press story that I've heard or read seems to focus on is that he and his friends were unimaginably cruel to animals. FOR PROFIT. Michael Vick -ten million dollars is not enough? You have to electrocute dogs so they will kill each other in order for you to clear an extra hundred? You need some pocket money for Arby's or something? Shame on you.
I see people comparing dog fighting to human sports like boxing and football. There are several flaws to this argument, but I'll only touch on two:
1. Humans choose to fight for sport. Animals don't. Left to their own devices animals will fight for resources like food, shelter, appropriate reproduction partners. They do not fight for fun. Animals under human influence develop unnatural aggression, and we foster that tendency by selecting aggressive animals to reproduce and treating them badly during life. We choose to fight for fun. This is wrong.
2. In human sport, the death of your opponent is not the goal. When humans force animals to fight, it is. Whether the losing animal is killed by the winner, or by its handler after the fight, losing means death for these creatures. Not a nice "this shot will make you sleep" death either, but a violent, prolonged, tortuous death.
Whether Michael Vick is a talented athlete is not as important as the fact that he is a flawed human being. The press talks about him as an object, a concept, an engine for profit. Just like the dogs he abused. Perhaps his dog fighting ring holds psychological resonance for him. Perhaps he uses the dogs to act out how betrayed he feels by society. He knows that even though he's rich and famous he's got no credibility where it matters. That he was only defined by his physical abilities. Never seen as a person. I don't have any sympathy for him. To make an excuse for him based on any of the influences I've described is to continue to deny his humanity, the essence of which is free will . He made a choice every day to be cruel. He could have chosen not to.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Overheard at the Montgomery County Fair
This past Sunday GMiller and I braved the sweltering temperatures and headed to the Montgomery County Fair. There are attendants in the ladies rooms (odd). MY attendant was talking on the phone with nonstop animation to another attendant:
"I heard that they're so crowded that they've turned the men's room into a men's and ladies' room over there.... Yes, men and women... I tell you - that's a STRONG bathroom!"
I tipped her a buck because she made me laugh. I bet that was a STRONG bathroom. Apparently not just farm animals smell in the heat.
"I heard that they're so crowded that they've turned the men's room into a men's and ladies' room over there.... Yes, men and women... I tell you - that's a STRONG bathroom!"
I tipped her a buck because she made me laugh. I bet that was a STRONG bathroom. Apparently not just farm animals smell in the heat.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Can You Smell What The Rock Is Cookin'?

Gavin and I got my engagement ring yesterday. We decided to go to Mervis and I'm so glad we did. I got the ring of my dreams and it didn't cost the earth. Hooray! We're still debt free!
Monday, July 02, 2007
How Do You Want The Eggs On That Coonass? Visiting New Orleans
I got the chance to visit my favorite city, New Orleans, for work last week. GMiller arranged to join me. While I was in seminars, he visited all sorts of military exhibits. Of course, we took lots of pictures. Walking at Jackson Square at dusk, Gavin took this picture of the cathedral.

When we checked in the room was warm. What do you expect of New Orleans in June. Gavin fidgets with the thermostat. I promise him that the room is not nearly as hot as it will be...

That night after finding Irene's closed, we settle for a late supper at Gordon Beirsch. I'll let you be the judge of the quality of the meal based on the expression on Gavin's face.

To my delight, the Monday luncheon speaker at my conference was Chef Paul Prudhomme. I bought a book got an autograph and had my picture made with Chef. I almost cried at lunch, I was so excited.

Wandering the French Quarter I saw this sign. I don't know many cats who answer to one name leave alone two. When I holler No, No at my cats, they tend to run.

This da-glo bike was a trip. We later saw the owner zooming down Decatur shouting "I'm pretty hard to miss on this!" I'll say.

Trashy Diva is the dress shop of my dreams. I am enraptured.

Our dinner at Emeril's was only meh. It was an experience that I was curious about, since I love Tchoup Chop in Orlando. The best part of this meal was that I got some art inspiration in the ladies room. They've used photographs as some of the tiles.

There's not much graffiti in the Quarter. There aren't many people there, either. I suppose one begets the other. This piece struck my funny bone.

This cat in a Warehouse District window didn't have much to say to Gavin, but apparently he was a member of the RKD fan club. When I started talking to him, he went nuts!

A lot of New Orleans is still in ruins. One of the casualties was the Fairmont Hotel which housed the Sazerac bar. The site was said to be the originator of the cocktail, and that first cocktail is supposed to be the Sazerac, a mix of rye, bitters and anise liqueur. Sounds odd but is delicious. My back up Sazerac supply is found at Arnaud's French 75 bar on Bienville.

Before driving to Baton Rouge to see the USS Kidd, we stop at Cafe Du Monde. I like beignets. A lot.

While aboard, I place a ship to shore call. Did you know battle ships don't come with a cruise director?

Friday morning, we elect to let Fate decide where we'll eat on our way to the Audobon Zoo. We hit upon Slim Goodie's, which was awesome. Gavin got the Jewish Coonass; two latkes with eggs and crawfish etoufee on. I got the Creole Slammer which is bacon, cheese, eggs and chili over hash browns.

Look at the darling monkey I saw at the zoo.

Ooops! This is the monkey. Really.

Gavin took this Heather B shout out mermaid picture. There were several sculptures by this artist in the gallery. We visited after hours and didn't get to go in.

I came home to my very own art installation courtesy of Pepper.

Bonus photo: My future husband. Gavin proposed while we were away. Of course I said YES!

Photos not property of RKD are provided by GMiller. Thanks!
When we checked in the room was warm. What do you expect of New Orleans in June. Gavin fidgets with the thermostat. I promise him that the room is not nearly as hot as it will be...

That night after finding Irene's closed, we settle for a late supper at Gordon Beirsch. I'll let you be the judge of the quality of the meal based on the expression on Gavin's face.

To my delight, the Monday luncheon speaker at my conference was Chef Paul Prudhomme. I bought a book got an autograph and had my picture made with Chef. I almost cried at lunch, I was so excited.

Wandering the French Quarter I saw this sign. I don't know many cats who answer to one name leave alone two. When I holler No, No at my cats, they tend to run.

This da-glo bike was a trip. We later saw the owner zooming down Decatur shouting "I'm pretty hard to miss on this!" I'll say.

Trashy Diva is the dress shop of my dreams. I am enraptured.

Our dinner at Emeril's was only meh. It was an experience that I was curious about, since I love Tchoup Chop in Orlando. The best part of this meal was that I got some art inspiration in the ladies room. They've used photographs as some of the tiles.

There's not much graffiti in the Quarter. There aren't many people there, either. I suppose one begets the other. This piece struck my funny bone.

This cat in a Warehouse District window didn't have much to say to Gavin, but apparently he was a member of the RKD fan club. When I started talking to him, he went nuts!
A lot of New Orleans is still in ruins. One of the casualties was the Fairmont Hotel which housed the Sazerac bar. The site was said to be the originator of the cocktail, and that first cocktail is supposed to be the Sazerac, a mix of rye, bitters and anise liqueur. Sounds odd but is delicious. My back up Sazerac supply is found at Arnaud's French 75 bar on Bienville.
Before driving to Baton Rouge to see the USS Kidd, we stop at Cafe Du Monde. I like beignets. A lot.
While aboard, I place a ship to shore call. Did you know battle ships don't come with a cruise director?
Friday morning, we elect to let Fate decide where we'll eat on our way to the Audobon Zoo. We hit upon Slim Goodie's, which was awesome. Gavin got the Jewish Coonass; two latkes with eggs and crawfish etoufee on. I got the Creole Slammer which is bacon, cheese, eggs and chili over hash browns.

Look at the darling monkey I saw at the zoo.

Ooops! This is the monkey. Really.

Gavin took this Heather B shout out mermaid picture. There were several sculptures by this artist in the gallery. We visited after hours and didn't get to go in.
I came home to my very own art installation courtesy of Pepper.

Bonus photo: My future husband. Gavin proposed while we were away. Of course I said YES!

Photos not property of RKD are provided by GMiller. Thanks!
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