5:42 AM- I get up much later than I'd planned. Pepper waits for me to go into the kitchen while Flannel stares at Gavin as he goes to take a shower.

5:59 AM- I read a cookbook while eating breakfast. I'm hosting two dinner parties within a few days of each other and I want to make sure that the menus are good, but easy for me to fix so that I'm not too cranky to enjoy my guests when they arrive.

6:20 AM- Faithful readers will remember that my office holiday dinner dance fell on the 12th last year as well. I'm taking my dress of the closet door in preparation for heading to work.

6:28 AM- During the cold weather months, I'm usually driving by the time the sun rises. Since I'm late today, I get a Maxfield Parrish style treat.

8:46 AM- My second hit of caffeine for the day. I think our coffee maker looks like a Silon. But I'm the only one in the office who does. Probably because I'm the only one who knows what a Silon is.

11:41 AM- My colleague and friend arrives at the office. She works in Connecticut and we were told that the only way she could come to the dinner dance and expense it was to have a business meeting. We pulled together a meeting in about half a day. We are just that good.

12:51 PM- We're carving out a niche in the new office real estate hierarchy. My friend helps me move chairs from empty offices into the conference room so that our cobbled together meeting attendees have a place to sit.

1:42 PM- Everything is set for the meeting; agendas at each place and supporting documents in the order in which they'll be discussed.

6:55 PM- This is the first dinner dance I've been too where the girls from my department are in attendance. We all got to sit with our boss, really close to the stage... Only three tables away from the company president! It is pathetic that I measure my value to the organization by where I'm seated at this dinner, but it really is like analyzing photographs of the Soviet May Day parade to see who's in favor and who's not. Three tables away from the prez = high visibility.

8:51 PM- My dessert this year is a little better than last; fresh fruit in whipped cream. I did not eat the chocolate cup. I'm sure it tasted like wax.

9:30 PM- The door prize winning criteria this year was to be the youngest person at the table. You can see from her youthful grin why my colleague won.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:
2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.
3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.
4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.
5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.
6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."
7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)
(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)
ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Looks like you had an ultimately fun time yesterday. And for future reference, it's Cylon, and your coffee machine does look kind of like them. :{)>
how cool that you worked it out so your friend/co-worker could make the party!!
and....I want to know how you figured out how to have music play on your blog. I am SOOO blogger impaired!
What a gorgeous sunrise! I see so few of them compared to sunsets, despite the ungodly hour I get up at each day...
Pretty nifty, being able to throw together a meeting to enable your friend and colleague to attend the party :D
Helen, 12 of 12er (Dogeared)
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