Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Interviewed by the Masters: Lipton and Proust ask me 20 questions. Or Ten, In Mr. Lipton's Case

James Lipton’s Questionnaire

What is your favorite word? abundant

What is your least favorite word? no

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? American pop culture

What turns you off? required emotional involvement

What is your favorite curse word? so pedestrian, yet so useful: fuck

What sound or noise do you love? Gavin laughing

What sound or noise do you hate? rusty hinges

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Litigator (prosecution vs. defense)

What profession would you not like to do? Kindergarten teacher.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? We didn't think you would make it.

Marcel Proust’s Questionnaire

At age 20:

What is your most marked characteristic? Intelligence

What quality do you most like in a man? a sense of humor

What quality do you most like in a woman? a sense of humor

What do you value most in your friends? genuine respect and caring

What is your principal defect? intelligence

What is your favorite occupation? problem solver

What is your dream of happiness? financial independence

What to your mind would be the greatest misfortune? to subvert my true self to indulge another's view

What would you like to be? truly loved

In what country would you like to live? USA, baby! These colors don't RUN!

What is your favorite color? green

What is your favorite flower? tulip

What is your favorite bird? robin

Who are your favorite prose writers? Robert B. Parker, Walter Mosely

Who are your favoite poets? Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash

Who are your favorite fictional heroes? Howard Roark

Who are your favorite fictional heroines? Dagny Taggart

Who are your favorite composers? Cole Porter, James Brown, Johnny Mercer

Who are your favorite painters? Georgia O'Keefe, Mucha, Alberto Vargas

Who are your heroes in real life? My mother, Fred V.

Who are your favorite heroines of history? Elizabeth I

What are your favorite names? Linus, Lilly

What do you most dislike? feigning emotional connection and involvement

What historical figures do you most despise? Adolf Hitler, James Earl Ray

What event in military history do you most admire? Battle of Thermopylae

What reform do you most admire? Brown v. Board of Education

What natural gift would you most like to possess? compassion

How would you like to die? in my sleep

What is your present state of mind? half introspective, half elation

To what faults do you feel most indulgent? The ones that keep me socially disconnected

What is your motto? Do not push, do not block

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most interesting...and I love your laugh, too! -G