5:36 AM - Pepper says that he's holding his breath until I put food in his dish. He knows the food container is right over his shoulder in the pantry. It galls him every day that he cannot open it himself.

6:45 AM- My morning drive takes me through a condo community built in the late 1940's that GMiller and I fantasized about living in for years until we actually saw how dinky they were in side. Old timey folks had less personal space requirements than folks in modern times, I guess.

6:53 AM - I'm driving too fast to get a good picture of this speed trap on Rock Creek Parkway. Eat my dust, suckers!

7:19 AM- The last thing I do before going in to the office is take the butterfly clip off my bangs. Because I don't use a hair dryer, the clip is the only thing keeping my hair from becoming a flat mess.

11:31 AM- My chicken and spaghetti lunch. I have to remember to reheat the chicken and spaghetti separately. If I cook them together the chicken is still cold in the middle. Yuck!

3:30 PM- This is my desk drawer secret, and probably why I can't loose the 5 lbs. I gained in New Orleans. I think we can all agree that it is a shame to waste perfectly good caramels, so it is my duty as an efficient consumer to eat them. I'm saving the planet, people!

4:20 PM- In preparation for our office move, we've got to empty all our furniture of trash. This credenza was full of it! This is where I put stuff that I was told to save for other people and then never asked for again. Now I can say that it didn't survive the move and it will be TRUE.

4:57 PM- My trash can overfloweth. Our cleaning people must love us... we all have mountains of trash every night as we clean out our offices. Perhaps I'm not the planet champion that I pretended to be to legitimize overeating. Hoist by my own petard! I'm still eating those caramels, though.

5:03 PM- Leaving for the day and on my way to a happy hour party at a friend's PR agency. Their offices are down the street from my house, so even if I wanted to make and excuse and not go, I would not be able to. I like these folks, so seeing them is always a pleasure.

5:28 PM- This is the tunnel that marks the beginning of no cell reception on my daily commute. I don't know whether it's my service or the trees have a hate-on for me, but no calls come in or out. Better to concentrate on driving...

7:10 PM- At the agency, I see a car that looks a lot like mine, and nothing like the agency owner's in her spot. WTF? I just parked in a garage down the street and hoofed it up to the party. IN HEELS. There better be margaritas in there.

9:47 PM- There were margaritas and plenty of good eats. I especially liked the chicken empanadas. Mostly because there was cheese in them. I took this picture as I was saying my goodbyes. They guests helped with leftovers by not leaving any. :)

BONUS PICTURE- This peach pie I made was UNEXPECTEDly good. I used a tape measure to get the lattice pieces the right width, and summoned all my paper weaving skills from the first grade to figure out the lattice pattern. Now I am scornful of the half-assed lattice on Whole Foods pies where they don't bother to weave and merely stack the dough strips.
If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics:1) ALL PHOTOS MUST BE TAKEN ON THE 12TH OF EACH MONTH.2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic.3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea.4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics.5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional.6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12."7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.)(The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.)ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Nice pics!!!
That pie looks delicious !!! hummmm
Pie!!! Yumm!! It looks wonderful!!
Great shots!
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