So, I feel like I've achieved everything they'll let me achieve and I'm thinking that I might want something new. Scary. I've had other opportunities in the past and the biggest thing for me is that I want to work my work around the life changes I'm facing in the next five years; marriage and my first child. That's always in the back of my head when I'm listening to someone talk about a position they think might be coming up.
Recently, I've had some pretty sweet talking from a place that I would definitely consider. Some of the right things have been mentioned so far; working from home, same level of responsibility I have now, products and people I really like. I sent my resume and a description of what I currently do. I was supposed to meet the hiring manager today at a panel discussion I was participating in. He didn't show and my contact acted really squirrely. Really wouldn't talk to me. Now my Inner Conspiracy Brother is whispering in my ear that my experience wasn't strong enough, working retail for two years mid-career is résumé POISON. Is it because I wore a cool, funky outfit instead of a suit? Well, that's what you'd get if I worked for you. If suit wearing is required, look somewhere else. Dresses, yes. Skirts, yes. Boring Corporate Cookie Cutter pants suits. NO. So what if I'm not what they're looking for. I still like the company, and they really should get the person that would be best. I can imagine, too, that they may be afraid that hiring me would queer the relationship with my parent co
mpany. Maybe so, maybe not. WHATEVER. Do I need a reality check? I think so. What do you think?

That board from the Hee Haw fence needs to come out and whack me in the butt so I can snap out of it. Here's a picture of Sonny James about to get one in the keister.
LOVE Hee Haw. One of the funniest conversations Peter and I had involved me trying to explain the show to him: "so they're in this fake corn field, and they stand up and tell jokes. And there's this band, with a big jug and washboard for intruments." He looked at me like I had three heads.
Anyhoo: It sounds like you're jumping to conclusions. Job interviewing reminds me of dating. You think it's all rosy with some guys (jobs) and then inexplicably, it dries up or doesn't work out. Or they take a completely different direction. No one knows why. However, when the right boy comes along, it works out. Just like the right job will come along. Maybe this one will work out. Maybe it won't. Boo to them though for not showing. That's bad kharma.
You have to do what you think is best and if they don't realize how fabulous you are - their major loss.
I'm picturing you pregnant - you are going to be one of those basketball-in-the-front moms - I was a GIANT from chin to pubic bone moms.
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