12:59 PM- I load my purse with the supplements I take for depression. A few entries ago, I posted about the SPECT scan I was taking. The results showed interesting stuff, but that did not happen on the 12th, so you'll have to wait for another post.
1:36 PM- Lunch at Clyde's. I liked the sherry vinaigrette they used on my arugula salad. I'll have to remember that for home consumption.
2:44 PM- Walking to the diamond store after looking at china and silver patterns in Bloomingdale's. I was horrified to discover that all the silver was actually STAINLESS STEEL. I don't want stainless steel formal flatware! I want silver! I want to have to polish seemingly endless stacks of forks, spoons and knives before a formal dinner. That's part of getting ready. Call me crazy, but I think that stainless steel formal flatware is leading to the devaluation of ceremony and ritual in America.
3:23 PM- Retailers are catching on to the fact that there's money in Chevy Chase, but I think they might be just humoring us. These stores look great from the outside, but if you look closely, they only have low-cost (for them) stuff in the stores; neckties, purses, scarves, etc. If I go in to Bvlgari I'm not interested in a keychain, you know what I mean? 80% of the folks around here think that having a mass produced LV bag is the e-pit-o-me of status, meanwhile they're wearing clothes from Caldor or some mess like that. In case you didn't get the memo, this is my super-snob posting for the month.
4:48 PM- A good looking spread greets us when we join our friends in Frederick for a cookout. There is a bowl of Cheet-o's on the table that will thwart my goal to eat in a restrained and considered manner this weekend. Damn you Cheet-o's with your salty satisfying crunch! Damn you to Hell! They were delicious.
6:21 PM- Our frends' son rapidly pursues other pint-sized guests. They had lots of fun.
6:26 PM- GMiller takes a call from his dad outside.
7:43 PM- I find release for my cupcake craving.
8:36 PM- Checking on the restoration work at National Park Seminary. It's going slowly. They priced the project during the height of the real estate bubble, and now the developers are full of rue, I'm sure. No way can people afford $500k for a dinky townhouse any more. They spent all their money on Bvlgari key chains and Chanel sunglasses.
8:37 PM- Here's a better shot contrasting old and new. What you can't see in the photo is the old firehouse that will eventually be converted into two or three condominiums. GMiller gets all starry-eyed thinking about that, though he wishes that they would just convert the whole thing into one big house. So he could live there. If they keep the pole, that would be cool, too.
8:39 PM- Since my last 12 of 12, the Colorado Kitchen has closed. That was a bad, sad day. The bright spot is the GSPOT (General Store and Post Office Tavern) that Chef Clark is going to open this October. You can see that there is a long way to go. I hope they make it, because it broke my Dad's heart when he heard CK had closed.
9:52 PM- Back home with a cup of tea and Law and Order. Check GMiller's 12 of 12 for what happens in about 45 minutes.
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