5:57 AM - Another late start on the 12th. I really need to balance my sleep schedule. Here's a beauty tip for all you curly-haired folks out there: scrunch with your towel, never rub!

6:42 AM - This is my favorite pose that Pepper pulls. I think he looks like a fat old man. Sometimes he even watches TV from this position. That's always entertaining.

7:02 AM- My building has caught on fire twice in the past few months, so the management is holding fire safety classes. Notice, too , the saving energy seminar. You know what would be more energy efficient? Replace the building's single pane glass windows and metal sashes with proper windows. That might work.

9:51 AM- It seems as if my job is an endless cycle of phone calls and paperwork if you just go by my 12 of 12. Take a long last look at my sunny beautiful office. I'm being evicted in April. Don't ask.

11:47 AM- The cafe on the first floor of our building is finally open. With the $2 in my wallet, I buy lunch. I chew slowly because it's teeny.

5:18 PM- On my way to meet my book club for dinner. We never read books, just gossip and drink. We're trying the 11th Street Lounge in Clarendon. I've heard good things.

6:14 PM- Finally! I got lost on my way. I'm surprised when I go in at how narrow the restaurant is. It looks really cute and cozy. Best of all, it's half price burger night!

7:39 PM- I forgot that you can still smoke in VA restaurants, and the evening ends in a cloud of fumes that will follow me to the car.

8:37 PM- Great minds think alike as GMiller and I take simultaneous photos of one another.

8:50 PM- It continues to surprise me that I'm so happy to come home to my handsome husband to be. The world falls away for a few moments with his kiss.

9:28 PM- My other handsome fellows can't keep his paws off me as we watch TV.
1 comment:
The 8:50pm photo is the one to sum everything up, I think :-)
I liked GMiller's day too, but as I don't have a MySpace account, I can't comment on his.
Helen (12er)
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