Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Love Dr. The King!

I love Rev. Dr. Martin Luther The King! I have a picture of him in my office. It's taken a long time, but finally the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial was in DC earlier this week. One of my co-workers sent me a photo collection of the event. Guess who was in the crowd? Not Nick Cannon, though he was there. That's right, DC's "Mayor for Life" Marion Barry. It completely calls to mind Chris Rock's comments on the Million Man March; "Even in our finest hour, we had a crackhead on stage." Chris is wise. So wise. Oddly, Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was not at Coretta Scott King's funeral, was at the ceremony. What's the story behind THAT, I wonder.

I was in Memphis last year and we drove by the Lorraine Motel on our way to dinner. I didn't realize where we were until the car rounded the bend. What a shockeroo! I immediately began crying my eyes out. Not for nothin', but what kind of MF city has a statue to the founding member of the Klan in the middle of the city park and a memorial to the most effective and influential leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement within miles of each other? It figures that King would have his life stolen in that cracker-ass city.

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