After more than a year together, my cats are finally the companions for each other that I'd hoped. I caught them napping today. Very different from the first day they met. Things were not so cozy that day.
Accountability Corner: Tracking My New Year's Resolutions
Resolution #1: Accept affection from people in the form it is offered as opposed to the form I'd like to receive it in.
How am I doing? Fantastic! The people from whom I don't wish to receive affection have stopped trying. It's really the best of all outcomes. Bliss...
Resolution #2: Do not get bogged down with fear over the important life decisions I'm facing in the upcoming year.
How am I doing? The realization is dawning that I now have 4 months or less to resist the fear of life changing events. Fear is the mind-killer!
Resolution #3: Bye-bye Back Fat
How am I doing? I am doing well. I've added a morning routine to my Jazzercise, and now use 8 lbs when doing weight work. I'm thinking of increasing to 10 lbs at my home workouts. The back fat needs to go, and now I need sculpted shoulders as well.
The Hampster's On The Wheel: What's Going On In My Brain
I wonder whether the Retinol I've introduced to my skin care regieme will really make these lines go away.
Pickling pears seems like a good idea. Sometimes my ideas don't transfer well to others.
I think in some ways blogging has made us more rude. I know people for whom a personal note is a thing of the past. All info is posted, so isn't it just as if they've told me? NO. Some things deserve a personal address.
1 comment:
YAY!!! Sometimes it just takes a little time.
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