Friday, May 27, 2005

Thar She Blows!

After my mom died in 2001, I gained a lot of weight; like 30 pounds. I'm tall, and it happened gradually, but one day I woke up and WHALE SIGHTING.

If you go to a person's house and they have no full length mirrors, you have a clue as to how they think about how they look full length. I was one of those people: just focus on the face. Bottom line; I felt unhappy and unattractive, so I made up my mind to change.

It took me a year, but between diet and exercise, I lost the weight and have kept it off for over two years. Why the 12 step style confession? I'm now working to firm up what I've worked so hard to reveal, in anticipation of a July vacation in Miami. I'm committed to 4 times a week at least and my plans are being stymied this week by the Force. Damn that noon showing at the Uptown. I'll have to give my Saturday class a complete miss. Crumbs! That Vader is a wily opponent.

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