6:50 AM - A nourishing breakfast of tea, vitamins and a Victorian era murder mystery. You know your day is going to be stressful when you have to unwind first thing in the morning.

6:37 PM - I love this dress that I found on eBay. My favorite thing about vintage gowns is that you know that no one else will have anything like it.

9:40 PM - My colleagues definitely enjoy the open bar and unlimited wine service at the table.

11: 12 PM - My childhood friend Lowly Worm always greets me with a smile. The cats are fond of him as well. Lowly and his apple provide hours of entertainment.
Bonus Pictures.

12 of 12 If you are new to 12 of 12 - here are the basics: 1) ALL PHOTOS MUST BE TAKEN ON THE 12TH OF EACH MONTH. 2) After you post your pictures onto a webpage of your choice (Livejournal, typepad, MySpace, Flickr, etc...) please post the TIME, LOCATION, and A SMALL COMMENT in the pic. 3) You own the rights to all of your pictures. The idea "12 of 12" is Chad Darnell's. While credit is not necessary, please don't credit someone else with the idea. 4) The original concept was at least one body part in the picture. That idea was slowly faded away. The important part is that it is 12 pics. 5) The monthly Bonus pic is a 13th picture and is optional. 6) When referring to the project, please refer to it as "12 OF 12" - not "12 ON 12." 7) Once completed, please e-mail or post the PERMALINK of the post AND the city and state or city and country of WHERE THE PICTURES WERE TAKEN. (If you are on vacation, it's where the pics were taken.) (The permalink is the link to the ENTRY of your page. If you just send me your website, I have to track it down. By listing the permalink, it helps for people to go back and view your previous 12 of 12 entries from previous months.) ANYONE is welcome to join in, even if you've never done it before! I hope you will.
Ooohhh - a murder-mystery to start the day - that is my kind of morning! That sandwich sounds awfully yummy. Your dress is fabulous and you look beautiful! Great 12 of 12!
Open bar and free wine... your party sounds better than I'm expecting my work do to be! (expensive bar - ouch).
And damn, what else was it I wanted to say... nope, forgotten. Lovely dress though!
Helen, Devon (fellow 12 of 12er)
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