I got the chance to visit my favorite city, New Orleans, for work last week. GMiller arranged to join me. While I was in seminars, he visited all sorts of military exhibits. Of course, we took lots of pictures. Walking at Jackson Square at dusk, Gavin took this picture of the cathedral.

When we checked in the room was warm. What do you expect of New Orleans in June. Gavin fidgets with the thermostat. I promise him that the room is not nearly as hot as it will be...

That night after finding Irene's closed, we settle for a late supper at Gordon Beirsch. I'll let you be the judge of the quality of the meal based on the expression on Gavin's face.

To my delight, the Monday luncheon speaker at my conference was Chef Paul Prudhomme. I bought a book got an autograph and had my picture made with Chef. I almost cried at lunch, I was so excited.

Wandering the French Quarter I saw this sign. I don't know many cats who answer to one name leave alone two. When I holler No, No at my cats, they tend to run.

This da-glo bike was a trip. We later saw the owner zooming down Decatur shouting "I'm pretty hard to miss on this!" I'll say.

Trashy Diva is the dress shop of my dreams. I am enraptured.

Our dinner at Emeril's was only meh. It was an experience that I was curious about, since I love Tchoup Chop in Orlando. The best part of this meal was that I got some art inspiration in the ladies room. They've used photographs as some of the tiles.

There's not much graffiti in the Quarter. There aren't many people there, either. I suppose one begets the other. This piece struck my funny bone.

This cat in a Warehouse District window didn't have much to say to Gavin, but apparently he was a member of the RKD fan club. When I started talking to him, he went nuts!

A lot of New Orleans is still in ruins. One of the casualties was the Fairmont Hotel which housed the Sazerac bar. The site was said to be the originator of the cocktail, and that first cocktail is supposed to be the Sazerac, a mix of rye, bitters and anise liqueur. Sounds odd but is delicious. My back up Sazerac supply is found at Arnaud's French 75 bar on Bienville.

Before driving to Baton Rouge to see the USS Kidd, we stop at Cafe Du Monde. I like beignets. A lot.

While aboard, I place a ship to shore call. Did you know battle ships don't come with a cruise director?

Friday morning, we elect to let Fate decide where we'll eat on our way to the Audobon Zoo. We hit upon Slim Goodie's, which was awesome. Gavin got the Jewish Coonass; two latkes with eggs and crawfish etoufee on. I got the Creole Slammer which is bacon, cheese, eggs and chili over hash browns.

Look at the darling monkey I saw at the zoo.

Ooops! This is the monkey. Really.

Gavin took this Heather B shout out mermaid picture. There were several sculptures by this artist in the gallery. We visited after hours and didn't get to go in.

I came home to my very own art installation courtesy of Pepper.

Bonus photo: My future husband. Gavin proposed while we were away. Of course I said YES!

Photos not property of RKD are provided by GMiller. Thanks!